Higher conversions by creating a unified view on donors for The Netherlands Red Cross

Charity support and the number of members and donors are growing. This means an increase of (customer) data. The Netherlands Red Cross also notices this: the amount of sources and channels that process the donorships is rising. They searched for a solution to merge all these donor data, turn it into one unique customer view and gain better insights into (potential) donors. Hereby creating even more successful campaigns. We used the Customer Data Platform for B2C to bring this into manifestation. 

Connect people through aid and data through platform technology

For over 160 years, The Netherlands Red Cross has been a symbol of aid and solidarity. Since its establishment in 1867, the organization has been dedicated to relieving human suffering wherever it arises.

The Red Cross and other non-profit organizations are facing a challenge: the number of supporters and the complexity of donor data are increasing. Valuable data are being collected and stored across various channels and systems, making it difficult to understand their donors comprehensively. This fragmented data and the absence of a complete customer view hinder the ability to run targeted campaigns, leading to missed opportunities to identify and engage with new donors.

The Red Cross sought assistance from Invenna and its Customer Data Platform (CDP) to address these challenges. The Invenna CDP offers a centralized solution that consolidates and organizes all donor data, enabling the organization to generate a 360-degree customer view.

The challenge: fragmented data and missed opportunities

The Netherlands Red Cross gathers data from various sources, including the website, general (online) donations, direct mail, telemarketing, and events. The inability to consolidate this donor data resulted in some challenges:

  • Lack of a centralized customer view: data were scattered across different sources and systems, making it difficult to get a complete picture of donors. This hindered the execution of targeted campaigns and reaching out to donors personally at the right time and through the best channel.
  • Limited insights into donor behavior: the absence of a central customer view made it difficult to identify patterns in donor behavior, hindering the prediction of donors' responses to particular campaigns and missing opportunities to increase donations and foster loyalty.
  • Inefficient campaigns: the lack of a centralized customer view and limited insights resulted in ineffective campaigns targeting broad audiences without considering donors' needs and preferences.

The solution: the Invenna CDP and the power of central data

The Invenna CDP addressed the challenges of the Red Cross by consolidating all donor data into a central platform, providing several advantages:

  • Centralized customer view: the CDP consolidates all donor data from various sources and systems to create a complete 360-degree customer view. This helps the Red Cross understand its donors' needs, interests, and behaviors.
  • Omnichannel marketing: the CDP enables the Red Cross to reach donors online and offline, allowing for targeted or excluded donor communication. This improves personalization and activates marketing automation, resulting in a consistent and personalized customer experience regardless of how donors interact with the Red Cross.
    • Advanced analytics: the CDP provides advanced analytics features that enable the Red Cross to analyze donor behavior patterns, including online behavior. This allows for more accurate donor response prediction, improving marketing campaign targeting.

    "The Invenna CDP allows us to make our customer view easily accessible to the entire organization. We have gained more insights into our donors' needs and desires. As a result, we can target our fundraising efforts more effectively and remain successful in traditional fundraising channels."—Inge Meijer, Senior Database Marketer, The Netherlands Red Cross.

    De uitdaging van het Nederlandse Rode Kruis: versnipperde data en gemiste kansen

The results: increased conversions and robust connections with donors

The collaboration exemplifies how centralized donor data and a 360-degree customer view enhance fundraising efforts. These results are self-evident:

Increased conversions

  • Direct mail campaigns for contributions had a 13% increase in conversion rate.
  • The average donation amount increased by 28% after receiving contribution mail.
  • The conversion rate for telemarketing campaigns increased from 29.2% to 46.6%.
  • The conversion rate for email donation requests increased from 1.9% to 2.9%.

De toegenomen conversies voor het Nederlandse Rode Kruis

The campaigns and interactions results of the Netherlands Red CrossCampaigns and interactions

  • 10 automated omnichannel campaigns per week
  • 17 million interactions in four years


With all donor data in one platform:

  • There are more fully automated and omnichannel campaigns.
  • Processes are more efficient, making marketing campaigns more effective.
  • They can make data-driven decisions about campaigns and strategies.
  • Gain insight into unusual transactions and reversals of recurring donations.
  • Monitor donations through real-time dashboards.

The future: strengthening impact

With a solid foundation of centralized data, a complete customer view, and clear insights, the Red Cross will sharpen its fundraising strategies further. This will help more people in need and increase its impact on society in the coming years.

Inge said, "While many fundraising organizations experience a decline in revenue from these channels, the Red Cross has seen slight growth in recent years. The platform helps us improve our customer contact strategy, increasing conversions across almost all channels."

Let's make a difference together

Are you ready to take your nonprofit organization to the next level? Our team has a wealth of experience supporting charities, and we're here to offer expert guidance.

Contact us today to find out how you can streamline your donor data, uncover valuable insights, and execute more impactful campaigns.

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