Marketing automation

Start (automated) campaigns that fit customers, through every conceivable channel.

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Automated campaigns with a personal twist.

Keeping (potential) customers up to date and activating them requires the daily creation of various marketing campaigns. You’re surely well on your way already, but chances are that you’re one ingredient short in building even more relevant campaigns: the unique customer view.

The unique customer view creates insight into the needs of each customer, enabling you to adjust marketing activities with precision. It ensures you to always deliver the right message, at the best moment and through the most accurate channel. For a personalized and impactful customer experience. Fully automated.


In the Invenna Customer Data Platform, you connect customer data to each on- and offline channel you use. Easily and without programming knowledge. And by using the platform’s marketing automation functionality, you create customer journeys for each segment and start up to hundreds of campaigns simultaneously. From recurring campaigns to trigger-based campaigns, and via app, website, dm and e-mail to cross-channel. It only takes you a single action, Invenna organizes the rest.

  • Automate each customer journey.
  • Personalize all your messages.
  • Plan, manage and structure hundreds of campaigns simultaneously.


A link to every source and channel.

You use all kinds of sources and channels, we make sure the Invenna data platforms connect to them. Browse the overview of all the connectors we work with.

View all connectors