Analysis and data science

Analyze, model and report without having to write a single line of code.

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Understand customers and predict their behaviour.

Predicting the future and knowing what customers are up to: this is not an abstract concept, but a matter of reality.

To find out how your customers are going to behave, a unique view of each customer is the best place to start. Because by merging and analyzing all your customer data, you can clarify and predict customer behavior. This enables you to base future actions on what the past taught you, for better results in the present.


The Invenna Customer Data Platform for B2B clarifies and predicts customer behavior based on all your customer data. From detailed analyses and models to clear reports. The platform gets you in touch with the customer behind the data, allowing you to create campaigns of higher relevance. And for the data science specialists, there’s a direct link with R and Python. This can be used to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence to the data.

  • Understand a customer’s past and predict future behavior.
  • Create campaigns based on customer behavior.
  • Apply machine learning and artificial intelligence.


A link to every source and channel.

You use all kinds of sources and channels, we make sure the Invenna data platforms connect to them. Browse the overview of all the connectors we work with.

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