The Invenna email editor: elevating e-mail marketing with AI assistance

27 Jul 2023
Team Invenna

Content marketers understand the importance of the tone used in their emails. The right choice of words and a balanced mix of formal, informal, and friendly language can significantly impact how many people open, click on, and take action on your email.

To succeed in email marketing, copywriting and A/B testing are essential. That's why we have been supporting marketers with automated testing for years. We aim to ensure that the right message reaches the right customer through the best channel. Now, we are introducing an HTML editor in our new ESP module, which uses Artificial Intelligence to help select the appropriate tone for your message. This feature allows you to improve and optimize your communication by creating different message versions quickly and testing them in practice. You can roll out the best-performing version of your email immediately.

Invenna offers two main features based on Artificial Intelligence:

  1. Communication style: you can choose from different styles such as formal, friendly, business-like, or informal. Choose a style that suits the email and your relationship with the recipient. After the suggestion, you can make your adjustments to the message until it's exactly as you want.
  2. Language: you can adjust the tone of your text. If you want a more empathetic tone, AI can help you with word choice and phrasing.

The Invenna ESP module not only makes it easier to send emails but also helps you create more efficient and effective messages. With this module, you can easily create and test different versions of the same message to achieve higher conversions. Additionally, if you already use segmentation data from GeoMarktprofiel, the AI editor can use that information to strengthen your message. This way, you can make the most of your knowledge about your customers.