What types of platforms are CDP and MDM? We'll explain it to you

28 Feb 2023
Team Invenna

As cookies are slowly disappearing, marketers increasingly focus on first-party data. They notice that their own customer data and a 360-degree customer view are gaining value. For data management and IT, data quality and (customer) recognition are important. Because of laws and regulations, they learned long ago that correct customer data are a must.

At first sight, these groups seem different. However, they have one common denominator: with data platform technology they understand customers, simplify operations and achieve goals.

Marketers often use a Customer Data Platform (CDP). Data management and IT use Master Data Management (MDM). But what types of platforms are they? Are they really that different?

In our latest article A Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Master Data Management (MDM): what are they?, we explain it to you by means of everyday situations.